G’day, everyone. My name is Scotty. Welcome to Independent Adventures.
This website has been created to offer up ideas, tricks, tips and reviews all based on my experiences of 20+ years of independent travel.
For the first decade or so I was a committed backpacker and had traveled to every continent, bar Antarctica.
More recent times have seen me become more of a flashpacker, preferring the comfort of flying business class on longer journeys, and often staying in apartments rather than hotel or hostels.
2022 and beyond.
It goes without saying that the last 2 years have been an ordeal for everyone. Finally, green shoots are beginning to appear and the future is looking brighter for a return to some kind of normality.
For me, 2022 is going to be a big year of travel with trips likely to South East Asia, Europe and possibly South America. These travels will begin in late March and you can be sure I’ll have plenty to write about.
In the interim, I’ll add some reviews, tips and ideas to help you on your way to safe, fun, Independent Adventures